Saturday, May 14, 2011

No Update for Samsung Omnia

samsung omnia Windows today confirmed that the roll-out of its pre-NoDo update has been stopped, but only for Windows Phone 7 handsets.

Windows today confirmed that the roll-out of its pre-NoDo update has been stopped, but only for Windows Phone 7 handsets.

A technical issue has been identified with the Windows Phone update process that potentially impacts a small impact of phones. Thus, the latest software update has been temporarily taken down to correct the issue. Microsoft is trying to get the service up and running as soon as possible.

This gives credence to the thought thatall Windows Phone 7 handsets are not created equally. It is difficult to point fingers at someone, but, in the end, Microsoft is expected to test the updates.

A fix can be expected in the next few days.

Windows Phone 7 Update Error

Update errorIf you too have been a victim of ?My Samsung Windows Phone 7 has hanged? phenomenon going around lately, you need to follow the official Microsoft work-around till they get something better coming up.

Windows Phone 7 from Sprint

Sprint HTCFinally, it?s here! The first ever Windows Phone 7 by Sprint has been launched. Known as HTC Arrive, it is also known as HTC 7 Pro in Europe in its GSM variant.

Download Windows Phone 7 Update

wp7 updateFinally! It?s here! You might soon get a notification on your Windows Phone 7 about a new update being available. But hey, don?t get too worked up.

GPS Navigation App for Windows Phone 7

navigator appSurprise! Surprise! After the CoPilot team shooting down any suggestion og migrating their GPS navigation app to Windows Phone 7, TomTom has come out saying it too doesn?t plan to bring their app to WP& anytime soon.

Internet Explorer on Windows Phone 7

 IE9That the Internet Explorer is coming to Windows Phone 7 is old news; but surely you wouldn?t have heard of this before.

We now have access of some video demos of how it?s going to be.

Nokia Windows Phone - Cheaper & Better

nokiaNow, here?s something that can really make your day. Elop says that Nokia plans to slash the prices of the Windows Phones very quickly once production gets underway.

Windows Phone 7 from Acer

Acer WP6Seems like Acer?s the latest entrant to jump on the WP7 bandwagon, with plans for launching a Windows Phone 7 later this year being announced today by Aymar de Lencquesaing, president of Acer's Smart Handheld Business Group, Acer.

Microsoft Phone 7 and Xbox

Windows Phone 7 and XboxWe had a chance to attend a demo of how Windows Phone 7?s Xbox Live can work in sync with Kinetic at Steve Ballmer?s MWC keynote today.

And guess what? We really liked what we saw

Multitasking on Windows Phone

Windows Phone 7 Multitasking appHave been waiting for ages to get your hands on the app multitasking on Windows Phone 7? Fret not, because its finally here.

To see the multitasking magic on WP7, simply hold down the back button, and you get a number of cards, one for every running application. Select any one and you can continue from right where you left

Nokia and Microsoft PartnershipsWindows Phone 7In a potentially revolutionary announcement, Nokia has reached an understanding with Microsoft to migrate from the long-running Symbian, to Windows Phone 7 platform.

Tags:  WP7 pre-NoDo Samsung Microsoft

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